Planning and shooting of 6 episodes.
“Tudo se transforma” brings the history of chemistry to high school students from all over Brazil. The series is part of the CONDIGITAL project of the Remote Learning Coordination office of the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and the Ministry of Education.
Filmed episodes: Os primórdios (“early days”); Fritz Haber e a síntese da amônia (Fritz Haber and ammonia synthesis); Gênesis dos elementos químicos, partes 1 e 2 (Genesis of chemical elements, parts 1 and 2); História dos elementos químicos (History of chemical elements); Radioatividade (Radioactivity).
Production: Carolina Dias
Directed by José Barahona
Screenwriters: Fabiana Egrejas and Dado Amaral
Cinematography: Pedro Faerstein and David Pacheco
Animation and video design: Rico Vilarouca and Renato Vilarouca
Opening music: Guto Goffi (Cabeça de Lâmpada)
Music: Juca Santabaia
Narration: Cristiana Gomes